Freeze-Dried Dog Food – A Healthy & Convenient Option

freeze dried dog food

Freeze-dried dog food has become an increasingly popular choice for pet owners looking to provide nutritious, easy-to-serve meals. As a dog owner, you likely aim to give your furry friend the best diet possible for their health and happiness. Freeze-dried options present a convenient way to achieve this goal.

In its simplest form, freeze-dried dog food contains raw ingredients that have had the water content removed through a flash-freezing process. This preserves many nutrients not found in kibble or canned foods. Rehydrating the food before serving brings the ingredients back to their original state.

Benefits of Freeze-Dried Dog Food

Freeze-dried dog food offers several advantages:

  • Nutrient Retention – The flash-freezing process preserves vitamins, antioxidants, and proteins found in raw meats/fruits/veggies that are lost in highly-processed foods. This leads to better absorption of nutrients by your dog’s body.
  • Digestibility – The lack of fillers, additives, and preservatives also makes freeze-dried food easier to digest than kibble. This is especially helpful for pups with sensitive stomachs.
  • Shelf Life – An unopened bag of freeze dried dog food can last around two years. The removal of moisture prevents spoilage without a need for chemical preservatives. Once rehydrated, leftover food keeps for about 5 days in the fridge.
  • Portion Control – With freeze-dried nuggets or patties, it’s easy to rehydrate the exact amount your dog will eat at each meal. There’s less waste compared to overfilling a bowl of kibble.
  • Variety – Freeze-dried food comes in formulas for puppies, seniors, active breeds, allergies, and other needs. You can add tasty proteins like beef, turkey, lamb, or fish.
  • Convenience – On busy days, it takes just minutes to rehydrate a meal versus hours of prep and cooking. Freeze-dried food is lightweight for travel and good for emergencies too.

Understanding Rehydration

One tip when getting started with freeze-dried dog food is to follow rehydration guidelines. Using too little water can make the food too dry or crunchy. Too much water will cause a mushy consistency dogs may reject.

Most brands provide rehydration instructions based on weight. For example, a daily ration of 2 lbs freeze-dried food for a 40 lb dog would need 5 cups of water. Measure portions and add water in a separate bowl, mixing well to integrate. Let it rehydrate for about 5 minutes before serving.

Give this nutritious and hassle-free option a try for your pup! Consult your vet if you have questions on transitioning food types or dietary concerns.

Packed with Protein for Muscle Growth

The ingredient quality makes freeze-dried dog food an excellent source of protein—the building blocks for strong, lean muscle. Most options contain antibiotic- and hormone-free meat as the first component. For active breeds like Labrador Retrievers, higher protein from quality whole-food sources aids muscle growth and an athletic appearance. The freeze-drying process concentrates protein content by removing water, resulting in about 70 percent meat proteins in the end product. This supports cellular repair and fights diseases related to protein deficiency.

Promotes Healthier Skin and Coat

Do you wish your pup had silky, shiny fur? Skin irritation and dull coats often stem from nutritional deficiencies or intolerances. The vitamins and fatty acids retained in freeze-dried food enhance skin and coat health. Ingredients like flaxseed, salmon oil, vitamin E and beta carotene deliver healthy fats. These nourish hair follicles and skin while reducing inflammation-causing Omega 6s. Antioxidants also support immune function and prevent diseases manifesting in skin issues. Over time, your dog’s coat will start looking brighter and feeling softer.

Dental Benefits of Chewing Nuggets

Unlike moist canned food or crunchy kibble, freeze-dried nuggets have a unique crispy, chewy texture after rehydration. This requires more chewing action, helping scrape away tartar and plaque buildup on teeth. Dental disease affects over 80 percent of dogs by age 3, causing gum erosion, infections and tooth loss. Constant chewing movement strengthens gums and reduces risks of periodontal issues. It also exercises jaw muscles and satisfices a natural urge to chew. Try larger nugget sizes or brands with bone broth cubes for even more vigorous chewing.

Better Behavior Through Better Nutrition

Ask any dog trainer—behavior and temperament stem greatly from diet and environment. The additives, preservatives and poor quality ingredients in cheap kibble can negatively impact focus, anxiety levels and activity. Grain-free, limited ingredient freeze-dried foods provide steady energy and protein uniquely tailored to your dog’s needs. For example, Omega 3s and glucosamine support joint health and keep senior dogs mobile and upbeat. Digestive enzymes and probiotics stabilize gut health and behavior in anxious pups. Overall, nourishing whole foods are the foundation of excellent behavior and temperament.

Freeze-Dried Food as Training Treats

Pet parents agree that positive reinforcement and reward-based training work wonders, but the treats in stores are filled with junk! Freeze-dried food makes healthy, high value training treats your pup will go wild for. Break or cut desired sizes and always have some on hand for shaping behaviors. Choose flavors like chicken, liver, cheese or peanut butter. Use tiny treats for basic obedience commands like sit or stay. Reward new tricks or complex activities with large, extra enticing pieces! Training helps dogs learn good manners and strengthens your mutual bond.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Freeze-dried dog food retains more nutrients through flash-freezing than highly-processed alternatives.
  2. Natural, raw ingredients make freeze-dried food highly digestible and good for sensitive dogs.
  3. An unopened bag can last up to 2 years thanks to the removal of moisture during production.
  4. Portioning is easy with freeze-dried nuggets and patties that you rehydrate meal-by-meal.
  5. There are formulas specifically tailored to different ages, breeds, activity levels and health issues.
  6. It only takes minutes to prepare a nutritious meal by adding water to freeze-dried food.
  7. Follow provided rehydration instructions carefully for the right moisture content.

Is freeze-dried dog food better than kibble?

Yes, freeze-dried dog food is considered nutritionally superior to traditional kibble. The flash-freezing process preserves raw ingredients and heat-sensitive nutrients like vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids that are damaged or destroyed during the extrusion process used to make kibble. Fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables are freeze-dried into a concentrated form without artificial preservatives. Rehydrating restores their nutritional integrity. This whole food diet is highly digestible and mimics a dog’s natural ancestral diet. Kibble relies on starchy binders like corn, wheat, and soy which dogs would rarely eat in the wild.

How long does rehydrated food last? Is it safe for meal prep?

Once water is added to activate freeze-dried ingredients, the food is perishable and should be handled like raw food. Most rehydrated freeze-dried dog food will remain fresh in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. To prevent spoilage or foodborne pathogens, store any leftovers immediately after meals instead of leaving it out. The key is keeping hydrated food chilled at safe temperatures below 40°F — just as you would for raw diets or your own leftovers. This makes meal prepping in batches very convenient for things like travel bowls or puppy feeding schedules.

Can I switch from kibble to freeze-dried completely?

It is safe to fully transition your dog from kibble to freeze-dried food with a proper introductory schedule. Like humans, sudden diet changes can disrupt your dog’s digestion. Start with a 25% ratio of freeze-dried food to kibble at each meal. Gradually shift to half of each, then 75% freeze-dried food over 10-14 days. Look for signs like vomiting, diarrhea or excess gas. Slow transitioning allows their gut microbiome to adjust digestion. Since freeze-dried styles are rich, dogs require smaller volumes too. Monitor body condition and scale back or add fiber if gaining or losing weight dramatically after switching.

Are there any risks or downsides?

There are a few things to know regarding freeze-dried raw dog food safety and nutritional balance. Responsible suppliers test ingredients to ensure they are pathogen and antibiotic-free first. Since vitamins degrade over time, best practice is eating within a year of production, not the 2 year shelf life timespan. Check selenium levels added to prevent deficiencies. Also rotating various protein sources creates balance missing from limited ingredient formulas. Finally, improper rehydration creates risks – accurately measure water and allows full soaking to prevent choking on hard bits or vomiting from rapid eating.

Does it require refrigeration before opening?

Unopened freeze-dried dog food bags do not require refrigeration, lasting 12-24 months at room temperature thanks to negligible moisture content. Once opened, leftover food or rehydrated meals do require storage in either the fridge or freezer though. If exposing ingredients to air repeatedly, using up opened bags within 3-4 months ensures maximum nutritional potency. For long term storage up to a year, consider dividing opened portions into daily rations and freezing until ready to thaw and rehydrate the food as needed. This retains safety and quality.